Rapid transformational therapies cutting edge movement is aimed to go precisely, equipped with carefully crafted tools to find the root cause of a persons issue.
If we just treated, the symptoms, its like covering up the cause!
If we just alleviate or suggest a new approach to the issue/problem, it is VERY easy for the old habit of thought to find a way to resurface.
Thus neither approach alone will result in a long lasting solution.
The RTT technique embraces aspects of hypnosis & hypnotherapy which help the client gain access to powerful insights into their own subconscious part of their mind, and the difference with rapid transformational therapy is that it goes way beyond by identifying the unique approach to each client that works to efficiently to form a personal new therapeutic approach.
Therapists in RTT methology are able to make that quantum leap through, working with hypnosis that is highly unlikely if just aiming to access the subconcious mind & solely with positive reinforcement and altered language . The combined approach of working with the appropriate parts of applied psychotherapy , cognitive behavioural Therapy, NLP, hypnosis, TLT which allows the client to surrender negative emotions, mindfulness our right to self cultivating inner peace & flow.
Learning to dialogue with your mind
IS NOT just positive thinking, as positive thinking operates at the surface level of you conscious thoughts & does nothing to contend with the subconscious mind.
Dialogue with your mind is a cutting edge technique.
Working with your mind so it becomes your best ally is specific!
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a proven treatment in a range of emotional, physical and psychological issues. Proven equally personally by myself & by the phenomenal success my clients have achieved.
Step 1
Book here you complementary, confidential 20 min call via zoom or telephone. At this moment, you will know if this is just what you need, the right connection, the right method, the right person for you.
step 2.
When it feels right, do it!
After your 20min complementary call and moving forward, we can book you in for your Optimize with Melanie session to assure your most preferred date, or if you prefer via the easy booking links found at the top of website, or request a booking link. A simple intake form will directly be emailed to you for your completion which will maximise our time together.
Upon completion and return, you will automatically receive the terms & conditions, policy that must be signed before undergoing any therapy ; please make sure its returned within 24hrs of your pre consultation.
step 3
"A global deep dive pre consultation day¨´ in person or via zoom, don't worry you don't need to have a zoom account. or google meet. Please allow 45 minutes. which also allows time for you to schedule your Optimize with melanie Session. please note that on day of consultation before therapy a provisional space will be held for your therapy session, just to ensure a reserved time, but you are free to schedule an optional date with melanie if needed.
Any links if via zoom or google meet will be forwarded to you immediately after booking & payment. On the day of your appointment, just click on the link you received, 10minutes before our scheduled time together and i look forward to seeing you there. ( IF your not familiar with zoom, don`t worry you can join our meeting without an account by just pressing on the link as a participant).
After your consultation global deep dive, my aim is to assist you to set your self up for success. A personalised email and possible preparation recording will be forwarded to you.
step 4
Your reserved day for Optimize therapy with Melanie Arnold.
Please allow 2hrs, please also be aware this is an approximation.
So this is how we roll in the session..
On your scheduled day of Optimize with Melanie, we will recap on the information gathered from intake and consultation, for absolute clarity!
A rapid smooth induction of hypnotherapy will be induced, to gently take us where we need, your mind will know exactly where it needs to go.
This is a moment of brilliance on your part, the most insightful lens you could gift yourself. It is IMPOSSIBLE to physically step back in time.
As a highly skilled RTT therapist, i create fortress of safety and confidentiality and guide you working with your brilliant mind ( wait till you see its abililty!) to places where your mind believe it or not knows exactly where to go. (regression to repressed memory).
During this process together i will be gathering, investigating, & we will be communicating and talking
Understanding in Optimal transformational therapy is the most liberating , self empowering & clarification to authentic intact self. releasing, reframing, the outdated belief system, the redundant data disruptor , patterns that are negatively performing for you
Breaking free on what was holding you back, breaking free from that which held you stuck,
unable to move forward, liberating yourself to the ebb and flow of life
"when you know better, you do better".
The way the mind works is that the conscious mind (logical, rational) often largely gets overridden by thoughts & beliefs that reside in the subconscious mind. Everything starts with a thought.
You will learn the power of self. and your only commitment, is to be*to Allow to 100% in your change and allow empowered self.·
A bespoke audio unique to your requirements will be crafted to support in the anchorage until it becomes automatically, naturally, your familiar new you as the mind learns, embeds deeply by repetition. A 21 day fundamental commitment!
Support care.
Day 1 Post therapy session, a touch down, checking in on you.
Day 7 check in call, minding you touch down.
Day 22 Post Therapy, Consultation, review.
so recapitulate:
Complementary 20minute first connection pre consult.
Optimize with Melanie Arnold therapy session with pre full Global dive deeper consultation + Bespoke 21 audio. 3 point aftercare check in and final review consultation, whats app support line.
Payment plans offered for multiple issues, tailored to your needs packages available , please contact me for any further details or book your complimentary Optimize with Melanie complementary call back to discuss your most pressing issue BOOK HERE NOW.