Are you ready to Optimize onboard new insight & harness the power of your whole mind, subconsciously/consciously recalibration Creating your bespoke seat for your soul

Learning to master self, to understand self in a profound & life changing way , empowering self, finding your inner peace , reclaiming your sense of belonging

My name is Melanie

I am a registered and accredited transformational therapist working from a small safe and private clinic in the SW of France in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains for the last 4yrs, serving people both in person or via zoom.

I collaborates with you using the elite and accredited method RTT along with myself. Rapid Transformational therapy is a round psychological and psychosomatic therapy method that most often uses hypnosis to run all therapeutic processes normally run in the context of psychotherapy, that includes trauma work, inner child, reparenting, re decision, cognitive behavioural reframe, emotional release and new habit creating through brain rewiring.

Transformational therapy uses hypnosis to fast track the clients outcome.

My aim, purpose and intention is to give the you the resolve, the tool onboarding, the profound connection to all that resides within you that possibly has never shown itself to you and to no longer feel the need to be dependant on a therapist or other, just simply to Be´

From ordinary to extraordinary therapy & what it can help you transform in your life

From overwhelm to inner peace, flow, balance, resolving pain, confusion, suffering in silence, emotional dysregulation, dissociation, from anxious avoidant, over whelming anxiety, depression & so very very much more, changing unwanted habits, or responses from your self. Are you eating your emotions as that is the only coping mechanism a child has, why not find where this habit locked you in and find your hidden key to open your greatest self. Understanding is power. you will find more information in the top tool bar ´about Transformational Therapy.

The transformation is simply possible & often in one therapeutic session my clients begin to sense the deep change within.

Learning to dialogue with your mind, is not just positive thinking; it is a cutting- edge technique

Working with your mind so it becomes your best ally is specific!

When you acquire many of the mentioned below issues they are most often propelled by a conclusion, your belief systems way of helping you cope. The question is, do you remember where, when and how you came to a conclusion about you or perhaps when anxiety decided to run you and took over?

If you are struggling, suffering, or you have just had enough & some examples below relate to you, then together we will breakthrough the barrier, bare witness to powerful new insights, upgrade & conditioning, build your bridge to you.

Branch language barrier between conscious and unconscious that has created the confusion and conflict, perhaps that had you believe you will never be truly happy, fulfilled, ¨thats just life¨or ¨its just the way it is for me. Take charge, liberate from a compromised life, Be free of heaviness that you just can't explain. Learn to be the manager of physical pain rather than stuck in pain.


You see your mind does what IT* thinks you want it to do;

Are you ready to take charge? Heal, Harness, Happen; If we keep re-talking, in effect reopening the wound will never heal the acquired invasion of unwanted matter will continue to reside in your core both mentally , physically, & emotionally in power.

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a proven treatment in a range of emotional, physical and psychological issues.

Here below are some examples:

  • Anxiety, depression.
  • Addictions
  • Chronic pain, stroke recovery, Fears & Phobias
  • Sexual issues Weight issues, intimacy issues Relationship issues
  • Athletic performance
  • Calibration of belief system
  • Intuition development
  • Overwhelming shame/guilt
  • Grief stricken
  • Self esteem & confidence
  • Career support, becoming your own empowered cheerleader
  • Fear, Rejection, abandonment.
  • Stress and insomnia
  • Mood & memory enhancement
  • Self sabotage
  • Trauma bonding solvents
  • Eating disorders

Body dysmorphic disorder.

Working at source with Hypnotherapy, RTT regression and other modalities of therapy, CBT to address cognitive distortions & negative thought patterns associated with trauma, Psychotherapy, mindfulness, NLP; RTT helps the survivors reframe their experience, altering the way memories are then stored and eradicated the finger that once sat on the trigger, gaining new perspective & fostering healing.

  • Optimize with melanie , you in the care of a skilled compassionate, intuitive transformational therapist.
  • Trauma informed approach,
    revolutionising trauma recovery PTSD, C-PTS

Are you haunted by shame or guilt, because the purpose of these two powerful emotions was never to haunt you, these are two of the most hijacking emotions.

Give your soul the ability to bare the fruit of joy.

Are you resorting to self sabotage & so often you feel you cant help it, you see somewhere in your foundations, in your core belief system your mind may think its helping you.

Does your body keep responding from stored memory response in your autonomic nervous system, and may seem like your on auto instructing to self and you don't get a say.

Berating self, with harsh critical words & judgements Which seems to add layer after layer of heaviness, the attempt to sooth self, the attempt to steady a racing heart, to regain balance, a sense of safety, are you trying to reach a feeling by abusing yourself with drugs, alcohol, porn, gaming, shopping, compulsive behaviour, spending, eating;

What if i said that the unwanted responses, habits, behaviours, thoughts are coming from a meaning you attached to an experience a long time ago. A very old thought or understanding of an old thought a long time ago and in your adult life, every time the feeling is activated it will associate with an old outdated and hidden thought/belief/ idea that you once concluded & justified about self when you had very limited resources; that originally created the feeling, and the belief you attached to the meaning as a child. so in effect you are an adult being driven by a childs interpretation /meaning attached to that feeling...ahh now its resonating to make sense. All good and well i can tell you something, but seeing is believing and that in the order of empowerment that you reach and bring yourself home.

The frequency the vibration that your omitting does it serve you well? Does something inside of you sometimes scream, this is not me, this is not who i truly am altered because in your child belief system at the core of you it meant survival, protection or even punishment because if so you will continue to connect with frequencies, vibrations, mindsets that match your own, even if you feel passionately that the way you feel or are is not what you want.

I can help you if you are ready to be shown where to look, to connect to self using your whole mind, because that is what I'm trained to do, this is the work deeply engrained in my heart with a skill set to match; how to gather how to turn the page, how to empower the help your self.

When you, your belief system that you constructed from the child mind that is pure feeling and does not have the resources to understand any other way, that had to try and make sense, of an experience by self from the meaning you attached to a thought, that created a feeling (disproportionate) limiting as you were an innocent child and children are all feeling.. if not a positive giving or nutritional value to the soul, will remain anchored in the foundation until you yourself go back and make the change, allowing realization that you can unhook the anchor, the awareness of who you are in that present moment. Allowing self the experience as an adult with a very different mind, you to review what it was in the belief that hurt you, that gave you a conclusion to remove yourself from you. To connect to your physical response to that feeling that lays anchored to a learnt experience a long time ago, how its physical feeling in your body driven by your mind has never completed its circle and exit and sabotages your every attempt to change a habit, a response, behaviour, your self belief, the utter best parts of feeing alive and fully integrated with self. To flow with ease with the ebb and flow. To be heard, to feel gratitude in its simplest and purest form of gratitude for self.

Using the RTT method we work with the clients subconscious mind where all our memories, failures, traumas and beliefs are stored. RTT methodology is designed to produce rapid results, as traditional therapy is often long, on going process that involves retelling you story again and again and can go on for months to years because it focuses on the conscious mind, the root cause of the issue is sometimes never uncovered and there for missing the opportunity to really change at the core .

Melanie Can & will help you identify the root cause of an issue you may be suffering with, or trying to resolve . The block, the stuck, trauma bonding, the mind that races like wild stallions, the depression. suppression, a triggered response that you cant rein in that denies you. Clear out outdated data that is running you, outdated blueprints that lay in your foundations. subconsciously conscious that is running you, your physical, emotional, behavioural, habitual , so you take charge, install & update change that has evidently happened yet sabotaged by a internal system that is out dated & support your journey into natural automatic integration with self. Rapidly teaching you how to use the tools perhaps you didn´t know existed inside of you. Rapidly empowered change.

RTT method also uses hypnosis to access and reach the subconscious mind, employing regression techniques unique to RTT.

RTT success rate proven results 80% using breakthrough techniques to get to the problem root fast and make the changes at source.

RTT can deliver extraordinary change from physical, emotional, and psychological pain by reframing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions deep in the subconscious, rapidly rewiring the brains neural pathways, replacing outdated belief systems and negative behaviour patterns.

RTT Therapists are highly trained and induces a state of intense concentration/focus. The ultimate homing in.

Psychotherapy ( incorporated in RTT) is talk therapy and can help with coping with stressful life events, fundamental validation of you. The impact of trauma, pain, what hurt you, medical illness or death, loss.

RTT therapists aim is to teach you to communicate with your subconscious and once the dialogue barrier is lifted, or rather self access gained and tools wired and updated, in effect, like a rubber band, once stretched it is impossible to come back as before, the new formed ability that remains.

Ready to take a leap of faith..

Simply book your complementary free call back. BOOK HERE NOW! 

Have you become a prisoner of your own thoughts, bound by overwhelming emotional suppression

Can't see a way out? Scattered mind? Sense that there is so much more to life but you are fighting to see, to feel, blinded by overwhelm. Your thoughts over laping faster than the speed of life: your nervous system team has gone into overdrive and you can't reign it in?

The uncompromised mind allows your creation of your best uncompromised life.

Become your own catalyst, transform negative, denying self to positive embracing life...once activated, allowed, there is no going back.

Its not always about hypnotherapy, it’s about what works for you..what hurt you .


Areas Covered

In person & world wide via zoom

I am a clinical hypnotherapist & therapist in Rapid Transformational Therapy & Holistic coach

I am an expert in self transformation and specialise in bringing freedom to be*, guiding people to self empowered liberation where they no longer need a therapist. My Optimize with Melanie Arnold programme is a 4 week conclusive and supportive approach, designed to clear limiting thoughts and beliefs from the subconscious mind, recalibrate the belief system and instate powerful serving solutions that are desired to serve you. Most often, the results my clients get are immediate and permanent.










The therapy with the right ingredients to catalyse profound and lasting change at the cellular level

Rapid Transformational Therapy offers a holistic and integrative approach to trauma recovery

When a therapy methodology has the right nuances.


Hypnotherapy, regression therapy RTT method , solution focused and CBT, NLP, Psychotherapy, mindfulness , a therapeutic approach that uses powerful, evidence based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change & with the coaching built in to go forward.

RTT therapy is based on a range of techniques, and working at source with CBT, Neural linguistic programming, a therapy to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication; A bespoke audio system to support the forming of electrochemical pathways. Psychotherapy, Gestalt, visualization,
mindfulness solution focused, somatic psychotherapy, Parts therapy/Internal family systems, ITS is a way of understanding our past experience as well as the path to heal them & enabling the client to change the lens of their mindset and leave the past behind where it belongs.

Creating the walkable bridge between subconscious and conscious.

The cognitive behavioural therapy deals with problems on a conscious level,

Using the RTT method we work with the clients subconscious mind where all our memories, failures, traumas and beliefs are stored. RTT methodology is designed to produce rapid results, as traditional therapy is often long, on going process that involves retelling you story again and again and can go on for months to years because it focuses on the conscious mind, the root cause of the issue is sometimes never uncovered and there for missing the opportunity to really change at the core .

RTT extends further than neural linguistic programming (NLP) in that it not only teaches you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, it will also directly access and correct any barriers, impinging bonds that have you stuck and holding you back in life.

RTT method also uses hypnosis to access and reach the subconscious mind, employing regression techniques unique to RTT.

RTT success rate proven results 80% using breakthrough techniques to get to the problem root fast and make the changes at source.

RTT can deliver extraordinary change from physical, emotional, and psychological pain by reframing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions deep in the subconscious, rapidly rewiring the brains neural pathways, replacing outdated belief systems and negative behaviour patterns.

RTT Therapists are highly trained and induces a state of intense concentration/focus. The ultimate homing in.

Psychotherapy ( incorporated in RTT) is talk therapy and can help with coping with stressful life events, fundamental validation of you. The impact of trauma, pain, what hurt you, medical illness or death, loss.

When working with melanie, your first Global consultation is focused on clarity coaching.

RTT therapists aim is to teach you to communicate with your subconscious and once the dialogue barrier is lifted, or rather self access gained and tools wired and updated, in effect, like a rubber band, once stretched it is impossible to come back as before, the new formed ability that remains.

RTT therapy also uses command cell therapy, a technique that help heal your body rather than condition your body.

How is RTT different to EMDR

EMDR targets branches of core beliefs focusing on the conscious memory and does not get to the root cause that form guiding/driving beliefs (core). and without maintenance the core beliefs will start to create new shoots. EMDR homes in on deconstruction and reframes the conscious memories .

EMDR will aim to prevent access to a habitual response v RTT helps to change the belief, the meaning and interpretation that a person has attached to the events that created the response within them.

RTT works with subconscious memories and extracts the root cause of the issue making sure that no new shoots of unwanted behaviours, habits, trauma response have an opportunity to surface as before.

All therapies have a purpose to help, for me, i believe the greatest gift is to give the client the tools, the time, the focus that they may never of had to empowered them selves., it is about reaching the parts that other therapies perhaps cannot reach swiftly in a rapid direct approach down to the core within a safe, supported fortress of kindness, compassion, understanding, empathy clearing the way.

Home in, Heal, Harness, Happen.

Mind, body, spirit, endocrine.

If one is misaligned all is misaligned.

Acknowledgement of Bruce Lipton for his transforming research on the biology of beliefs. Liptons insight underscore RTTs ability to catalyze profound and lasting transformation in the world,

Marisa Peer for the creation of a phenomenal methodology and shift in ability for the way we rapidly help to heal what hurt you.

Book now

When we know better, we do better ..The evolutionary & revolutionary therapeutic approach to rapidly make the changes you want heal to happen, advance in life, embrace all that you truly are that perhaps you have never witnessed in your self before flourish, progress, prosper, succeed & thrive.

OPTIMIZE with Melanie Arnold, Rapid Transformation therapy complementary pre consultation

OPTIMIZE with Melanie Arnold, Rapid Transformation therapy complementary pre consultation
Optimize4Life Coaching, mentoring Clarity, focus, resilience, resolves & sleep easy nights.
" Nutrition for the soul" 8 week programme .

Amenities & ease

  • Licensed RTT therapist
  • Expansive life experience
  • Clients from every walk of life
  • Works with children
  • Decades of experience in assisting people
  • Debit & Credit Cards accepted
  • By appointment only
  • member of the International association of counselors & therapist's
  • Highly intuitive
  • Transformation sessions via zoom or in person
  • Cl.Hyp
  • Science & Spirituality working together
  • FREE initial connection in person call
  • Working together in person in my comfort dedicated office
  • Working together via zoom, dont worry.. you dont need an account and super easy 1,2,
  • Coach, Code, condition -Dietless Life
  • Spoken languages:
    English, French

    Contact & enquiries

    An email will be sent to Melanie Arnold & responded to within 24hrs


    Please check availability and book your call


    Nadia Nay

    2 months ago
    I am currently 3 weeks into my journey with Melanie and all I can say is wow! For anyone considering RTT, I would highly recommend Melanie, ...
    Read more

    Anne Anderson

    a year ago
    This has been an awesome experience for me. Its helped me find myself and I've acquired a very good friend also.